Currently serving on our Council/Session are:
Debi VanRegenmortel
Nancy Bruscino
Debi Vanregernmortel
Mark Chedister
Bobbie Trager
Clerk of Session: Deborah Chedister
(Find out the most current news for each Ministry by clicking its name in the menu on the left!)
Education Ministry (Ruling Elder -Mark Chedister)
The Education Ministry
- Sunday School
- Bible Studies
- New Member Classes
- Confirmation Classes
- Vacation Bible School
- No Strings Attached Puppet Ministry
Mission Ministry (Ruling Elder - Lois Dunikowski)
The Mission Ministry identifies and coordinates all outreach efforts, both locally and globally.
- Mission project support - time, talent and treasure
- Church website
- Food for Kids - community organization
- Habit for Humanity of Greater Nwburgh
- Presbyterian Special Missions
Nurture Ministry (Ruling Elder - Debi Van Regenmortel)
Our Nurture Ministry defines its ministry as one of giving nurture and support to our youth as they learn and grow; our congregation as they grow in spirit and share the love of Christ; our staff as they serve God; and the congregation.
- Deacons
- Newsletter
- Scouting
- "Savvy Soul Sisters of Syntax" book club
- Congregational Life
- Nominating Committee
- Membership Committee
- Prayer Shawl Ministry -To learn more about Prayer Shawl ministries, click here.
Stewardship Ministry
The Stewardship Ministry’s role is to gather the gifts of the church and ensure they are cared for and used in ways that allow our church to provide a warm and inviting place of worship and fellowship, while supporting our missions and the many programs we offer.
- Buildings and Grounds -Elder Nancy Bruscino, coordinator
- Capital Campaign
- Cemetery Committee - Elder Nancy Popoloski, chairperson
- Investments
- Memorial Fund
- Budget - Treasurer-Hanora Sullivan and Assistant Treasurer- Bobbie Trager
- Fundraising
Worship Ministry (Ruling Elder - Bobbie Trager)
The Worship Ministry is charged with all aspects of planning our weekly worship service and a number of special services throughout the year.
- Chancel Choir (Adult)
- Gertrude Roosje Memorial Hand Chimes
- Rainbow Bell Choir - Deborah Chedister
- Ushers and Liturgists
- Sanctuary Decorating